Friday, November 02, 2007

Which Reality?

Everything is gray. The walls are off-white, covered in industrial grime. Mr. Smith ticks off the inventory one by one, crosschecking the items in the list.

"This delivery is checked, McIntyre. Wrap it up and send it to its destination", he said to the deliveryman.

"That's an A-Okay, Mr. Smith", replied McIntyre and he carried it to the loading bay.

The shift buzzer rang at 5pm and McIntyre walks off and punches his time card along with his fellows. Everybody's getting ready to go home. 15 minutes later, they're all at the sidewalk, waiting or walking towards their commute home.

The inside of the train is gray. Outside, the gray smog covered the city. The station platform was all gray. The sidewalk on the way home was gray. And inside, gray walls. McIntyre pressed a switch on a gray box and sat down.


SilentKiller-121 walked beneath the bright yellow light of the Rune-Midgard sun. He walked through the green grass surrounding the beige and mahogany walls that is the capital city Prontera. He sat just outside the portal, waiting, enjoying the vibrant colors. Here in the eternal morning, he was at peace.

"Sir, can you help me", a Novice asked.

"Sure, why not", replied SK-121.

"Sir, can you spare me 1200 zeny for a warp to Morroc?"

"Didn't you talk to the Academy folks? They give away free warp tickets, you know."

"Oh, I didn't know that, thank you anyway sir."

The kid looked decent and he didn't press like a beggar. SK-121 called him and asked.

"Why do you want to go to Morroc?"

"I wanted to be an Assassin", was the reply.

"Do you know what are the requirements to become an Assassin?"


"I'm not going to give you zeny, it's against my principles, but if you like, I'll walk with you to Morroc. What's your level?"

"I'm level 1."

"OMG ... Come on, walking is good for you. Are you coming?"

"Yes sir, thanks."

The kid followed SK-121 through the land. SK-121 enjoyed traveling the World. He took in the riot of colors from the green of the forests and grasslands to the beige brown of the deserts. Along the way he gave the Novice pointers and tanked him a few times. When they entered Morroc, he pointed out the Kafra girl to the Novice and told him to transact with her. Then they went to the Pyramid and to the Thieves Guildhouse and SK-121 walked the Novice through the Thief initiation quest. When they, SK-121 and the new Thief, walked out the Pyramid, SK-121 said, "Here are some Empty Bottles and Stems that we picked up along the way. Trade them with the other people who put up a sign, offering to buy them".

"Thank you, sir", said the Novice gratefully and continued, "by the way, what job class are you"?

"I'm an Assassin", replied SilentKiller-121 with a smile then faded away.


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