Friday, June 22, 2007

A Story of Yussaf

My name is Yussaf and I alone remain.

Hear me people,
a tale of pride and fall,
hear me, hear me
one and all:

I was in Al de Baran
when I first saw him,
when I first heard him,
at Clock Tower's steps.

This man who became
Captain, friend and father.
He called to me and others,
he made us all brothers.

"A life of adventure
and wealth and fellowship,
in honest company,
Come one and come all."

And came we did,
following, one and all.
His shining eyes were beacons
and his voice, a trumpet call.

He lead us over the sea
to a land that is new.
This land is our own,
all that we can view.

And I was the least,
the youngest of them all.
Yussaf the earnest,
a name they cheerfully called.

We worked at day,
we rested at night,
And the Captain's vision
was our light.

Then it came:
a djinn in a lamp,
in swirling mists
and thunder clap.

"Your dearest wish will I grant,
nothing is beyond my power,
in exchange all I ask
something you do not treasure."

Our Captain's wish were two:
Great power for himself,
Great power for the guild,
his wishes were only two.

"As you wish", said the djinn,
"and what you want is granted,
nothing held back
and every way provided".

Our Captain, our leader,
attained godhood in an instant.
He shone as the sun shone
and wielded power a god.

But his eyes became dark,
his shining vision gone,
and his golden voice stilled,
and he no longer called.

And each of my comrades
gave in to their desires,
and wished their wish,
gaining all and all.

But astonished I was,
that they gave up,
their humanity for godhood,
and justice for gods' might.

Then the djinn turned to me
asking for what I wish.
But his offer I spurned
for only downfall I witness.

"You cannot turn away this wish,
it will be granted, no matter,
for my true name is Consequence
and Fulfillment, my true power."

So my innermost soul was bared
and my true wish granted.
But instead of godhood, weakness.
and instead of wealth, destitution.

Then Consequence spoke,
"Your true wish is honor,
not from men but from higher
than djinn, gods and greater".

"So power you do not value
and wealth you spurn.
For scorn of men and gods
will not make you turn".

But their laughter I heard,
voices of my comrades.
So tears filled my eyes,
so sadness filled my heart.

Scorn I do not fear
though scorn will wound.
And gods' scorn wound not
deeper than friends' disown.

One by one, comrades and Captain,
ascended to where gods dwell.
And the island slowly sank
beneath Midgard's ocean swell.

Then I woke on the beach
near Pharos Lighthouse's shore,
clothes soaked with salt water,
cheeks soaked with flowing tears.

From then on, everyday
I raise our company's banner,
as beacon to memories of friends
now gone, now so very far gone.

My name is Yussaf and I alone remain.


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