Friday, May 25, 2007

Ragnarok Online Orcs: Yes, I made these up!

Zenorcs are orcs who undergo mystic transformations to become High Orcs but fail. They become Zenorcs instead. The Orc Dungeons are where these mystical ceremonies are performed. Many orcs who die in the ceremonies become Orc Zombies. Orc Skeletons, however, are created by Orcish shamans to protect their holy ground.


When an orc dies, his spirit returns to the plane of Aggression. But sometimes, not just sometimes -oftentimes, the spirit cannot rest and it comes back to the land of the living to bash some more skulls. These are the Orc Zombies. Now, some orcs are more ornery than others or just won't rest in peace or maybe just had too much coffee, these orcs become Orc Skeletons. Wearing only the spirit of aggressiveness as flesh and sinews binding their bones, they walk on Midgard as the true avatars of empty-headed macho-ness.


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